

The Biblical  Mysteries O f Blood For Spiritual Combat  

From the very beginning of human history, it is revealed. When Adam and Eve sinned, God shed innocent blood in order to make them clothes from animal skin. Blood Book


This is a picture of the covering of righteousness that we received when the Lord Jesus Christ died for us. This is perhaps the most important and vital virtue of the blood. That is the cleansing power of the blood from all sins and the ability to impute to us who accept Christ His righteousness

In Genesis four  Genesis 4 we read that Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. They instinctively wanted to worship God. Cain sacrificed the fruit of the ground. Abel had already learned that God demanded blood, so he brought a lamb.

This is confirmed by the scripture in Hebrews that tells us Abel offered his sacrifice by faith and the bible tells us Faith comes by hearing.

That means Abel must have learnt blood sacrifice by hearing from Godor from his father, that without blood there is no remission and the reconciliation to God in worship and relationship was only possible by the sacrifice of ‘the blood’.God accepted the blood of Abel’s lamb, but He did not accept Cain’soffering.

The book Blood Book gives Practical insight what blood means and the spiritual Mystery of blood click here to grab a copy


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