Dr. Michael O. Edwards
A simple but powerful  teacher and preacher of the word , there is  a strong prophetic  and healing grace on his life , that makes both his teachings  and ministry to be in high demand.

Connecting Faith, Building Community

Dr. Edwards is celebrated for his deep understanding of the Scriptures and his ability to communicate complex spiritual truths in an accessible manner. His teachings are not only informative but also transformative, often accompanied by prophetic insights and healing manifestations. This unique combination of gifts has placed his ministry in high demand, drawing individuals from all walks of life who seek spiritual growth, guidance, and healing.

Whether you are seeking spiritual growth, prophetic guidance, or healing, Dr. Michael O. Edwards’ ministry offers a place of hope and renewal. Join him in experiencing the transformative power of God’s Word and Spirit.

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Insights & Devotionals

Prayer Points

Paralysing Satanic Decisions

A.        SCRIPTURE READING:       Isaiah 54:16-17 1.     In the name of Jesus, no evil vow, decision, or prophecy shall come to pass over my life in

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Prayer Points

Paralysing Evil Hands

Confessions: Galatians 3:13-14        “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is

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Prayer Points

Release from Eyes Problems

Confession: Psalm 146:8a, Isaiah 29:18; 32:3; 35:5; 42:7; Matt. 11:5, Heb. 13:8, Job 36:15, Psalm 91:3   Prayer Points Thank the Lord for your redemption.

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Empowering Faith, Inspiring Change

Committed to spreading the love and truth of Jesus Christ, Dr. Michael O. Edwards continues to inspire and uplift through his teaching and ministry. His vision is to see lives transformed and individuals empowered to fulfill their God-given purpose.