The East Wind as a Weapon

Dr. Michael O. Edwards

The East Wind as a Weapon

The East wind is a scorching desert wind.  The east wind destroys vegetation Gen. 41:6 Ezek. 17:10 Destroys houses Job 1:9.  Destroys ships Ps. 48:7, Ezek. 27:20  Brings judgement Isa. 27:8, Jer. 4:11, 12.  Dries spring and fountains Hos. 13:15 Afflicts Jonah: Jonah 4:8, called Euroclydon Acts. 27:14

Jonah 4:8, Genesis 41:6, Job 1:19, Psalm 48:7, Isaiah 27:8, Jeremiah 4:11-12, Hosea 13:15, Acts 27:14, Exodus 10:13, Exodus 14:21, Job 27:21, Job 38:24, Psalm 78:26, Jeremiah 18:17, Ezekiel 19:12, Hosea 12:1, Hebrews 13:15, Jonah 4:8, Heb. 1:9, Joel 1:4.


  1. Father Lord, let your east wind blow over every Red Sea situation in my life in the name of Jesus.
  2. Father Lord let your east wind blow locusts, cankerworms, caterpillars and palmerworms into the camp of my enemies in Jesus name (speak in tongues)
  3. Let the expectations of the wicked and scorners in my situation perish in Jesus name
  4. Lord, take away the soul of every unrepentant household witchcraft in my life in Jesus name.
  5. Father Lord, let the east wind carry all my enemies away in Jesus name.
  6. Father Lord, let your divine storm hurt every strongman in my situation out of my life in Jesus name.
  7. Father Lord, let your east wind scatter my enemies in the earth, my enemies above the earth and my enemies beneath the earth in Jesus name and let them never regroup again in Jesus name.
  8. Father Lord by your east wind break away all the ships and transport system of may enemies in Jesus name
  9. Father Lrod let your east wind break all the support system of household witchcraft in my life in Jesus name.
  10. Father Lord let every evil plantation, deposit in my life utterly wither by the east wind in Jesus name.
  11. Father lord let your east wind dry up every unprofitable fruit/seed/root/branch/stem in my life in Jesus name.
  12. Father Lord let all my enemies begin to follow the east wind and let their desolation increase in Jesus name
  13. Father Lord let all my household witchcraft be as the morning cloud and as the early dew that passeth away. Let them be as chaff that is driven with the whirlwind out of the floor and as the smoke out of the chimney in Jesus name.

14a.  Father Lord let the east wind of the Lord come up form the wilderness and dry up the spring of household witchcraft in my life, in my career, in my destiny and in my child in Jesus name.

14b.  Father Lord let their fountains be dried up and spoil the treasures of all their pleasant vessels in Jesus name.

  1. Father Lord, prepare a vehement east wind, and let the sun BEAT upon the heads of all  my enemies until they are no more in Jesus name and in the night let the moon STRIKE the heads of all my enemies until they are no more in Jesus name.
  2. Father Lord le the fruit of the wicked be dried up by the east wind in Jesus name.
  3. Father Lord le the rod of the wicked be broken and withered in Jesus name.
  4. Father Lord let my enemies begin to feed on the east wind in Jesus name.

         Be to thank God for what He has done and what He is going to do.

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