Restoration Of Marriage Confession

Dr. Michael O. Edwards

Restoration Of Marriage Confession

What therefore God hath joined together let no man put asunder – Mark 10:9

I am a child of the Living God Jehovah is my Father in Jesus name Amen, I am a covenant child of promise, a partaker of the inheritance in the saints of light in Jesus name.  Amen. I believe in the word of God and the word of God is final authority, in Jesus name Amen.

God has blessed me, I am blessed with honour in marriage in Jesus name Amen.  I receive this blessing and will not give my honour to another.  I thank God for my marriage, and for my spouse, the flesh of my flesh and the bone of my bones in Jesus name   Amen.

The blood of Jesus Christ has redeemed me from all my sins in Jesus name Amen.  I have obtained the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus Christ according to riches of His grace in Jesus name.  I have faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. I ask for and I receive the blood of Jesus Christ in faith. I cleanse my spirit, my soul and my body from all sins and unrighteousness pertaining to my marriage in Jesus name Amen.

I am not ignorant of the devils devices against me and against my marriage.  I recognize that my battle is not against flesh and blood .  I am aware that my battle is against the devil, principalities, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.

Right now, I forgive my spouse and all flesh that have in any way offended me or done any thing that threatened my marriage in Jesus name Amen.  I am ready to avenge all disobedience now that my obedience has been fulfilled by His grace in Jesus name Amen.  God has spoken and I believe and I receive the word of God concerning my marriage.  It is written ‘from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female a man shall leave His father and mother and cleave to his wife”.  What therefore God has put together, let no man put asunder in Jesus name Amen.

All power in heaven and earth have been given unto me by Christ Jesus to make all my enemies my footstool through the name of Jesus Christ, at the name of Jesus every knee must bow in Jesus name Amen.  In the name of Jesus I confront everything that is in heaven in earth and under the earth against my marriage.  I command them to bow now in Jesus name Amen.  I have the keys of the kingdom of heaven and in the name of Jesus Christ I command all powers of the devil and his demons on assignment against my marriage to be bound in Jesus name.  I bind every spirit of confusion disunity, division, hatred, argument, lack of favour and unforgiveness against me and my marriage in Jesus name Amen. I break every curse against my marriage in Jesus name Amen. I bind all the demons and I cast them to the bottomless pit in Jesus name Amen.

God has put his word in my mouth to root out, to pull down, to destroy, to burn down, to build, and to plant in Jesus name.  Right now I command every seed of discord, separation  and disunity in my marriage to be uprooted in Jesus name Amen.  Everything that the enemy has planted in my heart or in the heart of my spouse against my marriage I command it to be uprooted set on fire and cast to the bottomless put in Jesus name Amen.  I command all strongholds of the enemy against my spouse, and I to be pulled down in Jesus name Amen.  I send grievous and continuous whirlwind to fall with pain upon the head of the wicked and destroy all their strongholds against my marriage in Jesus name Amen.

Jesus is the restorer of all waste places, I stand in the authority of  His name and I command every thing the enemy has done to steal, kill, destroy, or put asunder in my marriage to be bound in Jesus name.  I am a co-builder with Jesus, and I command by marriage to be restored supernaturally as the marriage between Jesus and the Church in Jesus name Amen.  I command and I receive restoration of peace love, joy, warmth, oneness, unity, honour, and all blessings of God that accompany marriage to be present in my marriage in Jesus name Amen.

I confess that my marriage is founded on the rock and on the love of God in Jesus name Amen.  I proclaim my love for my spouse and promise to continue to walk in love and oneness with my spouse in Jesus name Amen.   I unite with my spouse spiritually and physically and the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost in Jesus name  Amen.

I Love You Jesus and I ask for the peace of God reign supreme in my marriage in Jesus name Amen.  No weapon that is formed against my marriage spiritual or physical will prosper in Jesus name Amen.  I condemn every tongue that rises up or taken counsel against my marriage in Jesus name Amen.  I confess that my marriage is hid from the scourge of the tongue and the destruction that comes within Jesus name Amen.

I stand in agreement with God that my marriage which He has approved and ordained shall prosper in Jesus name Amen.

Thank you Jesus for the restoration of my marriage.  I give all Glory to God in Jesus name Amen.

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