Prophetic Confession for Stubborn Problems

Dr. Michael O. Edwards

Prophetic Confession for Stubborn Problems

Prophetic Lamentation And Warfare Tactics Against Stubborn And Prayer Resistant Enemies

Psalm 2:9 It is written thou shall dash them in pieces like potter’s vessel, everyone against me ______ my marriage, every image that has been fashioned against my life; as I break this bottle of anointing oil be dashed in pieces like potter’s vessel and I enforce the destruction of all your powers.

Isaiah 41:25

I _______ am the one raised from the north to come from the rising of the sun, I will call on God and I will destroy all my enemies as a mortar and as a potter treads the clay. Therefore any power that sets itself up against my life, my marriage and my destiny be destroyed as the potter destroys the clay in the name of Jesus.

Isaiah 29:15-16

Everyone that has fashioned an image to control my destiny, everyone using charms spells or witchcraft and using object like my hair, picture or any personal effects from my life to manipulate my destiny; it is written surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potters clay, for shall the clay say of him that made it, you made me not or shall the thing framed say of it that framed it you framed me not. Therefore as I break this bottle of anointing oil I frustrate all your works and I smash your powers over me. Any weapon fashioned against me from hence forth seizes to prosper in the name of Jesus.

Matthew 3:10 Mathew21:44 mathew 15:13

It is written every tree that is not planted by the father shall be uprooted, it is written the axe is laid upon the tree and every tree that does not bear good fruit shall be cut down and thrown into the fire, it is also written he who shall try to defile the temple of the Lord shall be destroyed. I am the temple of the Lord, any form of stranger defiling my temple receive destruction, every thing that was not planted in my life by Jesus be uprooted and cast into the fire, any tree in my father’s family and my mother’s family that is not bearing good fruit I cut you off from the land of the living in the name of Jesus. This anointing is for the destruction of my enemies, this anointing is to break every spell upon my life , as I smash this bottle satanic prosperity and influence over my life is broken, as I smash this bottle of oil I break the down every barrier and gate of the enemy, let all the enemies of my life destiny  and marriage be destroyed  in the name of Jesus. Let every snare and veil over my eyes or the eyes of ____ be broken in the name of Jesus. Except  this bottle of oil can be put back together, no

Prayer Points

Prophetic Confession for Stubborn Problems

Prophetic Lamentation And Warfare Tactics Against Stubborn And Prayer Resistant Enemies Psalm 2:9 It is written thou shall dash them in pieces like potter’s vessel, everyone against me ______ my

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Prayer Points

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